Re: Breaking in from the monitor at the console

Matthew Jude Brown (
Tue, 31 May 1994 21:34:53 +0100

In article <>, George Hodson <> writes:

> PS watch out using "#eeprom secure=full", if you loose the password you can
> have a lot of fun trying to recover! (you need a password to even boot!)
> Mind you Sun will happily supply you with a new mother board (who carries
> NVRAM's?).

It's not as bad as that -- there's a way to reset the eeprom.  (this
is bad in other ways, too, but then anyone who can unscrew your
machine case and use tools on the inside can probably break into your
system in lots of other ways, so ...)


______     Morven -- -- -- Matthew Jude Brown
\  __/___  Dept of Computing, Imperial College, 180 Queens Gate, London SW7 2AZ
 \ \/   /  Room 57G2, Southwell Hall, 51 & 53-60 Evelyn Gardens, London SW7 2BG
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     \/    |          We are the people our parents warned us about.          |